One Stop Centres (OSC) are intended to support women affected by violence, in private and public spaces, within the family, community and at the workplace. Women facing physical, sexual, emotional, psychological and economic abuse, irrespective of age, class, caste, education status, marital status, race and culture will be facilitated with support and redressal. Aggrieved women facing any kind of violence due to attempted sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, trafficking, honour-related crimes, acid attacks or witch-hunting who have reached out or been referred to the OSC provides with specialized services.
The major objectives of One Stop Centre are to:
- provide integrated support and assistance to women affected by violence, both in private and public spaces under one roof; and
- facilitate immediate, emergency and non- emergency access to a range of services including medical, legal, psychological and counselling support under one roof to fight against any forms of violence against women.
Target Group
One Stop Centre will support all women including girls below 18 years of age affected by violence, irrespective of caste, class, religion, region, sexual orientation or marital status. For girls below 18 years of age, institutions and authorities established under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act 2015 and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act, 2012 will be linked with the OSC.
- Emergency Response and Rescue Services
One Stop Centre is providing rescue and referral services to the women affected by violence. To achieve this linkages will be developed with existing mechanisms like National Health Mission (NHM), 108 service, Police (PCR Van) so that the women affected by violence can be rescued from the location of violence and referred to the nearest medical centre either private or public or even a shelter home.
- Women Helpline
The Women Helpline is intended to provide 24 hours immediate and emergency response to women affected by violence through referral (linking with appropriate authority such as police, One Stop Centre, hospital) and information about women related government schemes programs across the country through a single uniform number. Women Helpline will be integrated with One Stop Centre Scheme (OSC) and women affected by violence and in need of redressal services will be referred to OSC through this helpline.
- Medical Assistance
Women and girls affected by violence will be referred to the nearest Hospital for medical aid/examination which will be undertaken as per the guidelines and protocols developed by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
- Assistance to Women in Lodging FIR/NCR/DIR
One Stop Centre will also help the victims in lodging of FIR/NCR/DIR at the appropriate places so that the violence does not go unnoticed and thereby the probability of obtaining justice to the victim is made.
- Psycho-Social Support/ Counselling
One Stop Centre is having a skilled counsellor for providing psycho-social counselling to the victims who are traumatised or otherwise. Efforts will be made to provide the victim necessary support through the professional approach of counselling at the site where the victim may seek it. This counselling process will give women confidence and support to address violence or to seek justice for the violence perpetuated. Counsellors shall follow a prescribed code of professional ethics, guidelines and protocols in providing counselling services. These counsellor is professionally trained in dealing with the victims of violence.
- Legal Aid and Counselling
The women and girls who face violence will also be supported by One Stop Centre to avail legal services so as to obtain justice in their favour. The centre will also facilitate access to justice for women affected by violence, and legal aid and counselling will be provided through empanelled lawyers or through the support of the National/State /District Legal Service Authority.
- Shelter
The OSC will also provide a temporary shelter facility to aggrieved women. For long term shelter requirements, arrangements will be made with Swadhar Greh/Short Stay Homes (managed/affiliated with Government/NGO). Women affected by violence along with their children (girls of all ages and boys up to 8 years of age) will avail temporary shelter at the OSC for a maximum period of 5 days. The admissibility of any woman to the temporary shelter will be at the discretion of the Centre Administrator.
- Video Conferencing Facility
In order to facilitate speedy and hassle free police and court proceedings the OSC will provide video conferencing facility (through Skype, Google Conferencing etc.) to aggrieved women/girls. She will be able to record her statement for police/ courts from OSC itself using audio-video electronic means as prescribed under Sections 161(3), 164(1) and 275(1) of the Code of Criminal Procedure and Section 231(1) in line with Order XVIII Rule 4 of the Code of Civil Procedure. This facility will be provided only after consultation among the Superintendent of Police, District and Sessions Judge of the concerned district (place of the incident).
Presently Sakhi – One Stop Centre in Functioning in the Campus of Rourkela Government Hospital, Rourkela. Contact Details are as follows:
(SAKHI – One Stop Centre): At: Rourkela Government Hospital, Panposh Road, Near STI Chowk, Civil Township, Rourkela, Dist: Sundargarh, Odisha – 769004 Contact Number: 8895793425 Email Id: onestopcentrerourkela@gmail.com